Saturday, September 18, 2010

Card Weaving with a Selvedge

 Finally got video number two done. This one shows how to card weave a design with a selvedge on both sides. The sound isn't great but hubby's camera work is excellent. 

The original soundtrack had to go. I weave outside and there was a particularly loud robin nearby chirping every few seconds! Changing the recording location would have meant loosing the great evening light. What's a girl to do? A voiceover of course!  Always something new to learn.

Finding a room inside the house to record in was also a challenge. My sewing room ended up being the best but the sound still isn't great.  I may have to start saving egg cartons and come up with a whole new decorating scheme for the bathroom. The sound will be great with them stapled to the walls!

In the end I'm pretty happy with the result.  I'm working on Christmas presents now. More on those later!

Weave on!
